Progress Study

IBSA Group and Inception Fertility want to make the embryo transfer process a little simpler for patients—and we need your help to make that progress.

IBSA, a multinational pharmaceutical company, recognizes current methods of administering progesterone before and after a frozen embryo transfer (FET) can be painful, messy, and stressful for patients. The company has partnered with Inception Fertility and its family of brands, including the Prelude Network™, to complete a research study evaluating the effectiveness of administering progesterone by subcutaneous injection, an injection under the skin, rather than painful daily injections into a muscle or messy vaginal creams/gels or inserts.

A hormone that plays an important role in early pregnancy, progesterone is considered the standard of care for support during the luteal phase of a woman’s menstrual cycle, when the lining of the uterus thickens to support a potential pregnancy. During a FET cycle, progesterone is usually administered for 4 days prior to the transfer. If the cycle results in a pregnancy, expectant mothers will continue to administer progesterone up to the 10-12th week of pregnancy. This study seeks to find an easier way to administer this vital hormone, helping to make the embryo transfer process more patient-friendly and less painful.

Sign Up
IVF Cycle

Key Participant Requirements

During the study, participants who are eligible will:

Attend scheduled clinic visits.
Have blood drawn to evaluate hormone levels.
Complete transvaginal ultrasounds designed to monitor changes to the ovaries, uterine lining, or pregnancy, if applicable.
Receive study medications to self-administer as instructed by the clinic staff.

As part of the study, participants will receive

a credit toward their IVF/FET cycle cost, PGT-A testing via Igenomix, progesterone and Ovidrel, a medication that induces ovulation.

Inception Fertility is the largest network of fertility centers in North America. Its family of brands is committed to helping aspiring parents build modern families while pursuing their fertility journeys on their own terms. Built by patients for patients, Inception seeks to set the highest bar for patient experience and outcomes through advanced reproductive science and technology.
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